Online Questionaire for filing bankruptcy with Blaschko Law Firm Bankruptcy Attorneys"> Bankruptcy <span class="mobileHide">Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 </span>Online Questionaire

Bankruptcy Online Questionaire

Twin Cities Bankruptcy Lawyers Online Questionaire

Start your Online Questionaire for filing Bankruptcy

Saint Paul Bankruptcy Attorney's Online Questionaire.

If you are interested in a bankruptcy, please sign in below and fill out the Questionnaire. You do not need to complete the questionnaire in one sitting and may sign in and out as you complete the entire form. You may fill out the questionnaire however completion of the questionnaire does not create an attorney-client relationship. Until you schedule a bankruptcy consultation with us and upload or bring as many of the required bankruptcy documents with you to the meeting, we have not established any relationship. Although we may discuss how a bankruptcy works and discuss general guidance, we do NOT represent you until you sign a retainer agreement and pay the required fee. Please contact our office or schedule an online consultation about your situation and how to go about hiring us to assist you with the bankruptcy process so that we may begin getting you the help you need.

How to Complete the questionnaire, tips and advice

When you click the button below, you will receive a user sign-in and password to complete your questionnaire. You may log in and out as you complete each question and even upload requested documents listed on our "list of Bankruptcy Documents needed. Please contact our office if you have any questions or concerns on completing the questionnaire.

REMEMBER, "Don't get hung up on details. simply answer what you know as best you can. This should be simple and easy to tell us as much as you know without spending time trying to find an exact account number or address or even exact amount. Answer each question as best you can with what you know without having to spend a lot of time finding the details. The information comes directly to your attorney so don't be afraid of not having complete answers or answering a question in the wrong way. Even answering with I don't know is okay so your attorney will know that he should follow up with you regarding that question. Once you have completed the questionnaire and submitted it with any documents you could upload, please call our office to make your appointment with a bankruptcy attorney or schedule a bankruptcy consultation with a bankrutpcy attorney if you haven't already.  


Starting a questionnaire does not create an attorney-client relationship we do not represent you until a retainer fee is paid and a retainer agreement is signed.