How to File Bankruptcy

Getting started filing a Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 Bankruptcy Petition

How to get started filing Bankruptcy.

Call our Law Firm and speak to a Bankruptcy Attorney to get started

Please call our office for basic information regarding your specific situation so that we can assist you regarding the issues you may face to avoid any future problems or concerns and determine whether a Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 is right for you along with your fees. After we quote you a price, we will send you paperwork to review. Your attorney can schedule an appointment to meet with you after you complete our Online Questionaire and gather the requested documents from our list of Bankruptcy Documents needed.

Complete our no-obligation online bankrutpcy questionnaire

You may get started with our Online Questionaire, and gathering documents immediately. You will receive a user sign-in and password to complete your questionnaire. You may log in and out as you complete each question and even upload requested documents listed on our "list of Bankruptcy Documents needed..

Please contact our office if you have any questions or concerns on completing the questionnaire.

REMEMBER, "Don't get hung up on details. simply answer what you know as best you can. The information comes directly to your attorney so don't be afraid of not having complete answers or answering a question in the wrong way. This should be simple and easy to tell us as much as you know without spending time trying to find an exact account number or address or even exact amount. Answer each questions with what you know without having to spend a lot of time finding the details.

Once you have completed the questionnaire and submitted it with any documents you could upload, Call our office to make your appointment with a bankruptcy attorney or schedule online for a consultation with a bankrutpcy attorney right now.

Schedule an online appointment

You can schedule online for a free bankruptcy consultation with a bankrutpcy attorney right now. Before your appointment, we prefer that you gather as many documents from our list of Bankruptcy Documents needed. If you can, we also prefer that you complete the Online Questionaire and upload any documents you can through the questionnaire. If you scheduled an in-office appointment, you may bring as many documents with you as you can from our list of Bankruptcy Documents needed.

At your appointment we will review your financial situation and documents, discuss the options, process and fees to file bankruptcy and provide you with a retainer agreement and a price quote for the personal bankruptcy filing specific to your situation. If you are ready, we will sign the retainer agreement, collect the legal fee or a downpayment and begin your bankruptcy.

Included in the service we provide is ongoing access to your attorney for questions and assistance as we help you through the entire process. In addition, our law firm's fee includes the costs of credit reports, getting online property valuations, vehicle values, and normal due diligence in checking other assets for comparable values to ensure that your bankruptcy petition paperwork is properly completed and we protect all that you are entitled to. We also provide options for 12 months of credit monitoring with each bankruptcy so you can keep up with how your credit is affected and work on re-building your credit.


If you have any questions or concerns, please call our office. We are happy to help you get the relief you deserve.


Contact a Minnesota Bankruptcy Attorney Today

Contact our office today to set up a free consultation.
You can reach a helpful and experienced Minneapolis/St. Paul, Minnesota, bankruptcy attorney today:

Call (651) 204-7152

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